Monday, September 20, 2010

people.... who shall forever remain unnamed.... perhaps not forever

there are some people in this world that you love soo much you hate them. those are the people who every time i see them i want to punch them in the face and say 'how could you be doing this to me? how could you be doing this to yourself?' but i dont i just smile and give them a hug. so yeah i just felt like telling someone that.... not exactly sure how often you read this, but yeah =)
just know im not talking about you =)

Monday, September 13, 2010

The Wonders of Blogging

So today i do not feel like doing schoolwork. This morning i woke up around 11-ish and have so far accomplished eating a bowl of ceral, a packet of hot chocolate mix, and a bean and cheese burrito (the type you put in the toaster oven), and i watched 2 episodes of Friends, part of an episode of Chuck (the 1st season is bomb, but after that it stinks), and 1 epsiode of Gilmore Girls (much love! esp cuz Jess is in the season im watching right now). So needless to say i rock at procrastination and i could put off doing school for the rest of my life, but im trying to get a 4.0 this semester so i have to do school sometime. i have a quiz in French2 today =P and in LAC2Honors im studying grammer =P i seirously dont have anything against grammer its just totally boaring cuz they drill this stuff into your head from the time you start preschool so why would they think that anyone (except for ESL students) would need to learn it at this point in their life. I would rather study french grammer. algebra1 is good cuz i learned all this stuff last year. i've been thinking though why do i need to learn all of this stuff? how will this benefit my life? seirously if we were put on this earth to glorify God and make disciples of all nations then why do i need to know what a proper noun is or what x equals?
many apoligies for my haphazard writing =)

Friday, September 10, 2010


So i've been thinking alot for a little over a year about what it means to love someone and alot last night so i went over the attributes of love. Here are the ones that stick out to me; always trusting, always protecting, always percerviering, keeps no record of wrongs. Personally, the first and the last are the hardest for me, regarding those who are hard to love. But as Jesus said, even the Pharasees love those who love them (or something along those lines). I think to live a life of love means to have built up the habit of not boasting, patience, kindness, always hoping, always protecting, always trusting, always persevering, not being envious, not being self-seeking, not being proud, keeping no record of wrongs, not being easily angered, and not being rude that when the opportunity arouses for you to go against those things you dont even think about it you just continue with your life. Alot of times it's difficult to persevere when whomever youre trying to love doesnt seem to care, but that goes hand in hand with always hoping. You know how theres always one chararcter in books that seems larger than life; it's usually because theyre loving because theyre always trusting which alot of the other characters look down on but when your reading youre like i wanna be like that.
so yeah these are my haphazard thoughts on love. many apoligies on my terrible spelling =)
btw i just wanted to write down my thoughts it wasnt like i was trying to lecture you on love =)

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Bonjour mon amie et bienvenue!
so right now im sitting on the couch in my oversized portland hoodie and my blue polkadot pj pants. im taking a break from school. my french instruckor Monseiour Oliver D has attitude and really is rather unpleasant, thankfully i dont ever have to actually meet him in person (woot-woot!) so yeah. the rest of school is going pretty deecently. i suppose i should be going now because i have nothing else to ramble on about for the moment.