Friday, January 14, 2011


so today the mother and i are going to La Mirada High school as well as La Serna High School because i could go to either one (well there's actually several others that i could go to but i dont feel like walking for an hour and 20min to get there so these are the two closest) so we're going to check them out and then start the enrollment process. yay! i also have a french final today yay! i miss you too by the way though i think you wouldnt like it here because it shouldnt be hot in January but it is. i'm so touched PAJAMA NINJAS! *stirkes pose* That's strange because i feel like she knows you way better than i do because she's always talking about you! Well i would say that she doesnt know me better than you do because she doesnt know that i'm going to public school next semester (infact i havent really told anyone other than you yet). YAY for officialness of California road trip! well if you'll have me i'd love to ride up with you guys! =) well change in plans we arent going to either one of the highschools today. So i decided that i dont know which school i want to go to. and i really hate not knowing what i want! so yeah not alot is going on with me. I've just been slowly chipping away at the mountan that is my homework. ttfn!


  1. wait a second... so mid-post you guys decided not to visit the highschools? I'm confused... but trust me, Rosie does NOT know me better than you... not at all... Good luck at the homework mountain! E>

  2. well actually i wrote it and then i saved it as a draft and then came back to it but didnt feel like re-writing the whole thing over again so i just modified the ending
